Photo gallery

Not my usual look
Also not my usual look
Booh, my brand new 2000 Triumph Sprint ST
At the 1999 WSOP $2500 nolimit tourney (photo from
May 17 Newsweek article)
The Grand Canyon, taken from a friend's airplane (large)
A photo from my car accident a couple of years ago
My Cousin It impression, at a poker room in Vegas
My first motorcycle, a '91 Kawasaki EX500
Don't piss me off
A bad photo of the dominatrix nun costume
My Rum Tum Tugger costume
Another Rum Tum Tugger photo. What attitude!
In a tux, with Peter Secor at BARGE 96
The infamous leather tuxedo
San Francisco and and the Golden Gate Bridge
San Francisco and Alcatraz
Another shot of the Grand Canyon