About Patti
What do you want to know about me? I'm a photographer, a software engineer, a pretty serious poker player, a showtunes geek, a smartass, and a lot of other stuff. In a past life I've been a very serious marine aquarium hobbyist, but I had a lot more time back then.
I was born in St. Louis, MO (and if you knew me back then, you knew me as Patti Beaty), escaped to Portland, OR in the mid 80s, and moved to San Francisco in the mid 90s. I belong in the bay area, and I'm not terribly likely to ever leave.
I have some motorcycles, in particular a 2001 Triumph Sprint ST, and an old beat-up EX500. I also have a late 60s Ducati Sebring 350 in pieces in my loft. I'm very slowly restoring it, not to ride but to turn into an art piece. Yes, I know. No, I don't want the lecture, thanks.
Would you like to stalk me? I'm available on a fair number of social sites: LiveJournal, Twitter, Fetlife, and Facebook are the ones that I use on a regular basis. You can also visit my church, the Church of Positive Expectation.
I'm a software engineer with over two decades of experience. I've done everything from writing chip development tools to managing the testing department for a computer game company to being director of operations and managing a pretty beefy data center. I'm happiest as a QA geek in internet startups, though, and that's where I've spent a lot of my time. I have a resume online that you're welcome to look at.